Sacred Spaces: Repaint, Overpaint or Restore by Tats Manahan

Sacred Spaces: Repaint, Overpaint or Restore by Tats Manahan
National Museum Auditorium, National Museum of Fine Arts, Padre Burgos Ave, Ermita, Manila

Heritage Conservation: Preserving our Past for the Future – May 4, 2024

During the “Sacred Spaces: Repaint, Overpaint or Restore” talk last May 4, Tats Manahan mentioned that investigating wall paintings can be quite challenging.

She stated, “Because there are no records, you have to work with what is there. What if that’s no longer the original? That’s what we’re always faced with. You have to look into archives to find the original or work on whatever is there without changing it. But note in your documentation, that this is suspected to be a recreation of the original and because nothing of the original exists, it’s restored according to what was there. So, at least, you have a historical record of what happened and whoever comes after you will know that what you restored is not the original.”