Museum Interpretation in Times of Disaster:
Museum Education, Exhibition and Public Programs in the New Normal
National Museum of the Philippines

Extended Deadline for submissions: Monday, 23 August 2021 (12:00 am Philippine Time)

The National Museum of the Philippines is extending the call for papers/abstracts for the 2021 ASEAN Museum Congress to be held online on 26-28 October 2021.

The Congress theme this year is “Museum Interpretation in Times of Disaster: Museum Education, Exhibition and Public Program in the New Normal”.

Disasters affect and limit the access of people to museums and heritage sites. But unlike natural disaster or armed conflict, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a wider and far-reaching impact that led to the temporary closure of museums and heritage sites. Arts, culture and tourism sectors that relied heavily on the promotion of visitor experience have been worst hit. The emergence of disasters, particularly this pandemic, calls for a regional response not just confined to a specific locality, and anchored on regional cooperation to maximize resources and harness the interconnectedness of our socio-cultural practices.

This Congress aims to provide museum professionals and heritage practitioners from across ASEAN member states to share and learn best practices in museum management, particularly on museum interpretation in COVID-19 and post COVID -19 setting. The congress is designed to help museums overcome the problems of physical accessibility and immobility brought about by disasters, and how limitations are turned into great opportunities.

We are inviting proposals to the 2021 ASEAN Museum Congress, in particular, abstracts for papers on the following themes focusing on the pandemic and other risks to collections :
• The critical role of museums and heritage sites in times of disasters
• The role of museums in protecting and promoting moveable and intangible heritage
• Museums as sites of versatile and engaged practices
• Community interpretation in museum narratives
• The future of museums in the “new normal”
• Harnessing technologies and resources in interpreting collections
• Addressing gaps in museums
• Security and emergency planning in museums

Submission Guidelines for the Abstracts:
• All submissions should be written in English
• Minimum 150 words, maximum 300 words
• Supply keywords, maximum of 5
• Indicate the particular topic/theme listed above
• Include in your abstract the purpose and scope of your topic, proposed methodology, implications/impact of your study, and actual/anticipated conclusions

Submit your Abstracts to :

Important Dates:
– Submissions system closes: 23 August 2021 (12 midnight Phil Time)
– Notification of accepted abstracts: 30 August 2021

Authors of accepted abstracts shall submit pre-recorded presentations to support the online format and final paper for the print and digital publication of the Congress proceedings.

For further information, please contact:

2021 ASEAN Museum Congress Secretariat

© National Museum of the Philippines (2021)